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Testimonials for The Tao of WordPress

What readers are saying about the book
The Tao of WordPress

Here are some reader testimonials and comments about The Tao of WordPress.

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I learned WordPress in less than a day thanks to The Tao of WordPress. It’s an incredibly focused book that makes everything crystal clear. Thank you! — Olivia
I have been a WordPress coder for a year now and this is one of the best finds for me so far. — Steffi Pereira
Can’t say enough about @perishable Tao of WordPress is my new #WP bible & Jeff Starr is #genius. For years everything he churns out = gold. — Damian Konopka
As with all of Jeff’s work, The Tao of WordPress is concise, thorough, and a pleasure to read. — Mikko
The Tao was exactly what I needed. Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. Thank you. I am eating it up. Bodie Quirk
Hats off to our truly talented Smashing Editor @perishable for publishing a finely crafted book: The Tao of WordPress Smashing Magazine
Another fine book by @perishable: Tao of WordPress Elio Rivero
The WP-tao from @perishable looks pretty boss — Norcross
Wow, wow, wow, I just downloaded your new book and it has to be the best WP training manual that I have ever seen. I love the fresh approach& images/icons that you have used and throughout the manual. You have done the one thing that 99% of all WordPress trainers forget to tell you, and that’s security and how to protect the important files in your robots.txt and .htaccess. [...] Thanks so much for creating such a great WordPress userguide and bible of the best content. — Karen
I am working my way through Tao of WP and learning heaps - I have 5 wordpress books in front of me, borrowed from the library, and none come anywhere near the accessible depth and clarity you offer. Thank you. I am sure you other two books will purchased before too long. — Hakim
Thanks a lot Jeff, the book is awesome. A job well done. — Ahsan
Just had to say: I love the design of great color scheme, nice textures and background images, super-clear typography, refreshing design! — Andy MacLeod
The BEST thing about The Tao of WordPress, Digging onto WordPress, and .htaccess Made Easy, is the free upgrades to the most recent version as the books are updated over-time. That’s the best value for the price of admission, since WordPress and .htaccess hacks are always evolving [...] — Steve Wharton
I’ve purchased The Tao of WordPress some time ago, actually it was the first WP book that I’ve bought, and I absolutely love it! It was easy to read and full of awesome & important tips. I’m really willing to dig even deeper into WordPress as my dream is to make a living creating awesome and useful themes. — Carla
Thank you for your excellent books. I now have all 3. — Peter Ridland
I love your books. I’m doing a great job as WP developer today because of you guys. — Chandra Sekhar
Your books, along with my O’Reilly PHP books are my constant companions in WordPress land. — David Huttleston Jr
Your books are fantastic for me. These books give me good knowledge and good ideas for my WordPress blog. — Paul Benítez
Thanks for the book, it’s great!!!! — Mary Fossbender
I am REALLY loving the WP Tao book! I feel like its mostly an updated rewrite of your first book, but I prefer the layout and expanded content of WP Tao over the first book. — Paul Batavia
I bought Digging into WordPress a couple years ago, and completely loved it, so picking up your new book was a no brainer. Keep up the good work. — David Indish
Happy owner of your books., which are stunningly designed. — Tom Campbell
Great set of e-books. Keep up the great work. — Michael Deegan
Also, just bought the book and I’m excited to check it out! Digging into WP was really good and I’m pumped for this one. — Lou Mauro
Thanks SO MUCH for all your efforts in publishing this material - it has made a significant impact on the quality of my WP sites, and I sincerely appreciate it! — John Swope
Very professional service and manuals too! — Daniel Lamarche
Your professionalism, generosity & super-responsive support will not be forgotten and will not go unmentioned in the circles I travel. Made my day, Jeff. — Damian Konopka
I’ve found your all four of your books to be both educational and inspirational. I also recently passed on the details of your books to one of our local WordPress meetup groups. Stephen Nicholson
Nearly finished the book, really loving it. Thanks for putting out such awesome material. For aspiring developers like me, who have found and nurtured a passion for coding and WordPress in particular, this is an invaluable asset. — Ann Cascarano
I have been developing Web sites and applications since 1996, and have developed many dozens of sites and applications using many different development tools and a variety of server platforms. Jeff’s WordPress books from Perishable Press ( have been quite instrumental in bringing me and my team quickly up to speed in all the details and intricacies of the WordPress platform and its components; WordPress being so vital right now in creating an effective Internet presence. Anyone of any experience level would be very well served to get and use any and all of Jeff’s books to learn everything needed to develop, design, deploy, and maintain a professional level WordPress site. Ron Connelly
Only just skimmed the surface of the Wordpress Tao book and it’s absolutely exceptional - best money I’ve spent in a long, long time! Great writing style, informative and well structured. Reading content of this quality makes feel confident in your knowledge, plugins and abilities. Great work Jeff, I hope I get a chance to work with you in the future! — David
Reading the Tao. Your contact link works. I have been writing HTML from scratch since day 1. I am taking the Boston PHP Viki Comrie Wordpress Dressing virtual course. I am skimming ahead to creating your own themes and plugins. happy happy, joy joy. — Gary Johnson
Thank you so much! I have already purchased a combo of Tao of WordPress and WordPress Themes in Depth. Awesome content! Thank you so much for sharing your experience! — Kate
I am amazed at your GREAT customer service. [...] Anybody I know or meet in the future that are struggling with WordPress will be directed to your site with much enthusiasm. — Van
I want to say your books are awesome. Just what i need to become a WP Master. — Shawn Lattanzio
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